



HOGWARTS SCHEDULE MASTERPOST because I haven’t done one of these yet (and because nerinelunacyran asked for one)!

First row is pretty explanatory (Years 1 and 2, look at the captions.) Third year on each take up a row, because they need two schedules to deal with the electives. The only way for the electives to make sense is for ‘elective’ to just be a slot in their timetable, and because each house shares a timeslot with another house, and both have two options, during every timeslot there are four elective options (so Monday period 3 of year 4, both Gryffindors and Slytherins can choose between Care of Magical Creatures, Arithmancy, Divination, or Ancient Runes). This way, a student from any house can take any combination of two electives. It’s complicated, but it works. Hermione Granger is special and kind of fucked up.

This fits in with canon as much as I was able to make it fit with canon; she did not give this a second of thought, and it’s painfully obvious if you actually look into it. Fifth year Gryffindors have a class that starts halfway through second period, for crying out loud that’s what periods are for. So there’s some artistic license that I’ve had to take, and of course filling in all the blanks was entirely just myself. I tried to keep the fictional students in mind and not give them awful schedules, too — I have spreadsheets for each house for each year, as well, to see what the kids would groan about in September. I gave the first-years four periods instead of five, because 3:30 is explicitly stated for their flying lessons, and during one Oliver Wood is still in class.

As far as how the teachers’ schedules work out or how Years 6 and 7 work or how this makes any sense at all: it really doesn’t, but I’m working with what I’ve got 😛

This was created for the Pottermorphs AU, but feel free to use these schedules for whatever you want — I’d love a link back to this post, though, since I hope it’s obvious just how much work went into these.


lemme just say, i would be too, because this is phenomenal. so organized. I wish I had had this in my RP, A+

Man, this looks so much like the schedule roguebelle, keelyrgbrandon and I made for our RP back in the day.

SO MUCH. I think that every time this post. (Also do you remember the headache of figuring out what, precisely, JK meant by “double classes”. JFC)